March meeting WHISKY UPDATE
This Month’s Side Dish:
G-McC —Veggie/Casserole
Pitch-In Food Policy:
Bring a side-dish based on the first letter of your last name. Please bring at least 3 large servings per attending family member. Example: a couple would bring at least 6 large servings. If you invite guests, please bring their portions as well. Meeting Costs:
Members $4, Returning Guests $7, First-Time Guests are free.
March Program:
Wednesday, 12 March will be our Annual Tasting ‘O the Mist (Scotch tasting) meeting, hosted by Vice President of Whisky Matthew Douglass, sponsored by Elite Liquors and Southern Wine & Spirits of Indiana. Our Presenter will be Jessica Tisdale, a portfolio specialist with the importer Moet Hennesy.