The Scottish Society of Indianapolis
The Scottish Society of Indianapolis group photo

About The SSI

The Scottish Society of Indianapolis, Inc. is an Indiana non-profit social club founded in 1983 by Founder and President Emeritus Carter Keith. The Society also sponsors the Scottish Foundation of Indianapolis, a 501(c)3 tax-exempt charity formed to support education in Scottish arts, history, culture, and genealogy. We have over a hundred members of all ages who are genealogists, artists, historians, historical reenactors & interpreters, musicians, dancers, story tellers, and those who enjoy celebrating “Gach ni Albanach” (All things Scottish).

The Society & Foundation promote education about Scottish culture and heritage through monthly meetings and a wide variety of activities that you can explore at this website. We keep our annual dues low so everyone can enjoy our monthly events which generally include a pitch-in dinner by the members and a fun, educational program or entertainment. It is truly a family night—while we adults are having one program, our young members may have a program of their own with Scottish games and learning tailored to their age groups (though for some events, we celebrate together as a group).

We hope you will visit us at one of our events. The monthly dinner meeting is probably the best opportunity to really get to know who we are, to get involved, and to stay up-to-date on our activities. Feel free to look around our website and follow us on Facebook.

The Board of Trustees

> oversees the Society’s operations. The board consists of the President and six Trustees. The President appoints from the Trustees a Secretary and Treasurer.
The Board of Trustees:
President: Carter Keith
Secretary: Paula Hardesty
Treasurer: Samuel Lawson
Trustee: Kathy Hohman
Trustee: Armand Hayes
Trustee: Andy Thompson
Trustee: Sarah Rae
Our bylaws and standard operating procedures are available below:
Scottish Society of Indianapolis Bylaws
Scottish Foundation of Indianapolis Bylaws
Standard Operating Procedures

Join or Renew

SSI Membership
What clan am I part of?
enter surname:

If you know your clan, you may find more Tartans at the national Tartan Register:

For further light on Scottish Clans and Associations, please consider attending a meeting of the Scottish Society of Indianapolis.
You may also refer to the Council of Scottish Clans and Associations (COSCA) of which the Scottish Society of Indianapolis is a member association.

Our regular dinner meetings are on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, except for special occasions (as announced on our website, to our email list, and on our Facebook page). Regular dinner meetings are held at the Latvian Center, 1008 W 64th Street, Indianapolis. Click here for the list of programs for this year.

Regular Meeting Agenda

  • Social Time 6:30 PM
  • Pitch-in Dinner 7:00 PM
  • Program 8:00 – 9:00 PM

Cover Charge (for the meat dish & hall rental)

  • Members $5
  • Returning Guests $7
  • First-time Visitors $0 (no charge)

Side Dish Schedule – don’t forget your serving spoons, etc.

(Bring a dish from the category based on the first letter of your last name with at least 3 servings per attending family member.)
  • Jan/ Apr/ Jul/ Oct: A-F — Salad, G-McC — Dessert, McD-Z — Veggie/Casserole
  • Feb/ May/ Aug: A-F — Dessert, G-McC — Veggie/Casserole, McD-Z — Salad
  • Mar/ Jun/ Sep/ Dec: A-F — Veggie/Casserole, G-McC — Salad, McD-Z — Dessert

Our attendance on average is about 60 people and most meetings include several guests, so it’s really important for members to bring their pitch-in food items.