

PICTUS: From the Latin word meaning “painted.”

PICTUS: Primal, thundering war drums and creative percussion.

PICTUS: Powerful, soul-stirring bagpipes.

PICTUS: Visual and percussive Irish hard shoe and Highland dance.

PICTUS is music for the warrior-poet, the music of our ancestors, and will rouse the ancient spirit of the Celt within.

With nationally acclaimed, award winning bagpiper John Holland,  the 23 years of drumming and stage experience of  Brad “Oengus” Sprauer, and the 12 years of Irish dance performance of  Lauren Berry,  PICTUS is a unique, powerful show that’s not to be missed!


Lauren  Berry (Eire): Drum, Percussion, Irish hard shoe
John  Holland (Alba)Highland bagpipes, Pennywhistle, Djembe, Drum
Brad “Oengus” Sprauer (Uerturio/Pictland)Drums, Percussion, Djembe, Voice