June Dinner Meeting


Tina Dunn will present Mary Queen of Scots Part III at the monthly meeting of the Scottish Society of Indianapolis at the Latvian Community Center on Wednesday, June 11, 2014.

Location: 1008 W. 64th St

Meat dish provided by Samuel and Rebekah Lawson.

Gather at 6:30 P.M.

Dinner begins at 7 with programme to follow.

This Month’s Side Dish:

A-F— Salad 

G-McC — Dessert

McD-Z— Veggie/Casserole

Pitch-In Food Policy:

Bring a side-dish based on the first letter of your last name.  Please bring at least 3 large servings per attending family member.  Example: a couple would bring at least 6 large servings. If you invite guests, please bring their portions as well. Meeting Costs:

Members $4, Returning Guests $7, First-Time Guests are free.