11 March 2015, Dinner Meeting
Carson C. Smith, FSA Scot, presents “Clan Chattan and the Battle of North Inch.”
Clan Chattan was a community or confederation of clans whose chiefs were the descendants of the original ancestors. The Battle of North Inch was a contest between Clan MacPherson and Clan Davidson that was decided by the arrival of a Smith.
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Monthly Meeting
6:30 PM Social
7:00 PM Dinner
8:00 PM Program
Latvian Community Center
1008 W. 64th St.
Indianapolis, IN 46260-4458
Meat Dish Providers
Robin and Deneice Jarrett
Pitch-In Dinner
A-G Veggie/Casserole
H-Me Salad
Mi-Z Dessert
For more information on Clan Chattan:
Clan Chattan Association
Clan Chattan History
Clan Chattan Associated Names
Clan Chattan on Facebook
Clan Chattan on Tripod