11 March 2015, Dinner Meeting

Carson and Patty Smith of Clan Chattan
Carson and Patty Smith of Clan Chattan

Carson C. Smith, FSA Scot, presents “Clan Chattan and the Battle of North Inch.”

Clan Chattan was a community or confederation of clans whose chiefs were the descendants of the original ancestors. The Battle of North Inch was a contest between Clan MacPherson and Clan Davidson that was decided by the arrival of a Smith.


Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Monthly Meeting
6:30 PM Social
7:00 PM Dinner
8:00 PM Program

Latvian Community Center
1008 W. 64th St.
Indianapolis, IN 46260-4458

The Badge of Clan Chattan
The Badge of Clan Chattan

Meat Dish Providers
Robin and Deneice Jarrett

Pitch-In Dinner
A-G Veggie/Casserole
H-Me Salad
Mi-Z Dessert

For more information on Clan Chattan:

Clan Chattan Association


Clan Chattan History

Clan Chattan Associated Names

Clan Chattan on Facebook

Clan Chattan on Tripod